One of the greatest things that you can teach your dog is tricks! Tricks are a fun and interactive way that you can team with your dog and provide enrichment and entertainment to their lives, and to yours. These behaviors can be easily taught using the clicker and the added bonus is you can receive a certificate of title from the AKC organization.

Levels include Novice, Intermediate and Advanced and Performance levels. Not registered with AKC, no problem. You can register your dog under the AKC Canine Partners if you have a mixed breed dog. If you have a purebred with no registration papers, you can enter your dog under the Purebred alternative listing.  These IPL and PAL type listing in AKC will allow you to send in your video’s or to work with and AKC Evaluator to evaluate your tricks for submission.

The link is under ; look for Online Registration.

Some of the fun behaviors to teach to receive your Novice title include:

  1. High Five
  2. Kiss
  3. Paws up
  4. Shake hands
  5. Spin in a circle
  6. Touch it (hand or target stick)
  7. Sit in a box
  8. Find it (find a treat or scent item hidden under 1 cup or object)
  9. Get on (gets on low platform or step 4-paws)
  10. Kennel up (go in crate, stay in until released)

If you are interested in classes or one on one training for tricks; contact me.