Services & Rates
Clicker training is positive reinforcement-based training.
Dog Clicker Training
Contact me for any in home training needs that you may have with your Dog or puppy.
I will work with you and your animal to provide a comprehensive training plan and steps for new behaviors.
$65 per session
Horse Clicker Training
Ground work is the foundation that is often overlooked with horses. Horses are intelligent, they are eager to learn and they do want to please. In clicker training your horse from the ground, you are building a horse that is an active learner and thinker. The ground training transfers easily to the saddle and your riding. Once you learn these techniques and see the responsiveness in your horse, you can’t stop training using this method.
$75/per session

Pet Requirements
must have current license and ID tags
For your pets safety, and mine, please make sure your pet is up to date on all shots and vaccinations.
Looking For A Better Way To Train Your Pet?
Clicker Training may be the answer you are seeking !
What is Clicker Training?
It is a teaching method that is taught based on how we know scientifically animals learn.
Research has shown that any animal is more likely to learn and repeat actions that results in consequences the animal desires and enjoys.
At Karen Pryor Academy, we call consequences “rewards”and the process is called reinforcement.
Clicker training therefore is positive reinforcement based training.
Why is a clicker used? The essential difference between clicker training and other reward-based training is that the animal is told exactly which behavior earned it a reward. This information is communicated with a distinct and unique sound, a click, which occurs at the same time as the desired behavior. The reward follows. Without hearing a click during an action, an animal may not connect the reward with that action. With the click, a trainer can precisely “mark” behavior so that the animal knows exactly what it was doing.
Do Clickers and treats need to be used for behaviors forever? The answer to this question is no. Once the animal knows the behavior and it is on cue, you do not have to use the clicker.
(Karen Pryor Clicker Training)
Get in Touch By Phone Or email
If you have questions about the clicker training method, please contact me for more information.
(913) 269-5572